• info@bricksinvestment.com.np
  • 977-1-56355252

About Us

Remittances from different corners of the world to Nepal have a prominent role in the national economy and have also transformed the lives and livelihoods of a large number of rural people. They could better be invested in productive sectors, which in turn increase job opportunities and income of the people. They can generate positive effects on the economy thorough various channels such as savings, investment, growth, consumption, and income distribution.

Starting and building a prosperous business, one of the main sources of job creation, is an ambition of many entrepreneurs. Though, growth is the entrepreneurs’ main objective, too few could manage to achieve it.

Making your money more productive requires proper management of human, financial, technological and informational resources so that social impact as well as profit enhancement could be achieved in short, medium and long terms. Considering all these things, Bricks not only identifies and focuses on the most potential productive sectors of Nepal such as agriculture, tourism, hydropower and other sources of renewable energy and so onbut also takes initiative and facilitates you to invest in such sectors.

Getting a company off the ground and or expanding it requires money, and raising the right kind of finance is still a major difficulty to Nepalese SMEs. The lack of capital is barrier to growth that can rarely be overcome by resources to family, friends, or banks.

Majority of Nepalese entrepreneurs consider it difficult to start and/or operate their own business due to lack of available financial and other strategic support. Bricks wants to help identify, start and expand your business from multidisciplinary aspects.

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